It seems that SEMC is still somewhat in a holiday mode, because so far I haven't had to decline a single meeting. I've had 10 meetings per week the last two weeks, but not a single declination has been needed so far. If you know me you're probably not surprised that I've been keeping track of the exact number of meetings per day for the last two weeks (hey, I even have a spreadsheet to keep track of hotel nights and then of course all flights on Flightmemory). So, without further ado, here's the last two weeks' meetings:

The rule to only handle my emails two times per day is difficult though. I've tried to limit the times I open my inbox, but it's not that easy. It's definitely been more than two times per day, but also less than before. I'm considering it a medium success.
When it could to mobile-free-Saturdays it's pretty good as well. Last weekend I was kind of occupied all Saturday managing a hangover and more or less slept most of the time when my phone was turned off. In other words, I wasn't really affected by it. Yesterday was however different. I did spent the whole day with the phone turned off, but it was actually pretty close that I turned it on a couple of times, just to "check things". This compulsion is exactly the one thing I want to get rid of. Also, leaving the apartment without your phone is not an easy thing to do after 10 years of constant checking of "is the phone in my pocket?". It's actually quite scary how dependent your are on your phone and it did show this Saturday...
Anywho, I've stuck to my policies for two weeks now, and don't plan to change anything quite yet.
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