Sunday, March 26, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Me from below

In need of a haircut and a shave...

Picasa test

Testing testing 1 2 3 Posted by Picasa
(taken with a Sony DSC-P100)

Super cube

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

IM and presence on the move

A couple of us have started the blog IM and presence on the move with the intention to explore and present the world of mobile instant messaging and presence. Where will this end? Nobody knows...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Shameless Suggestion

The last couple of months there has been a lot of talk about blogging at my workplace. Our collaboration with Blogger is of course the main reason, but this has spurred a general interest in blogging. One great example is my colleague JAG, who has created a "normal" blog instead of a picture blog, which is the focus of the Blogger collaboration.

However, I'm somewhat surprised that all this blog talk hasn't resulted in more discussions about corporate blogging. I've actually been thinking about this for quite some time and believe that blogging would be a great way to communicate informally within a large organization.

Internal blogs

Since there is currently no official support for internal blogs, I've been thinking about running a blog on my desktop computer. This would mainly be used as a personal brain dump of the various tips-and-tricks one tends to come across over time. However, being a self-proclaimed expert within certain areas, others may be interested in this blog as well. On the other hand, if others do the same, all the blogs would be spread across the network, making them more or less impossible to find. What is needed is a centralized blog system with good search capabilities!

I see a couple of different types of blogs as being useful internally:

  • Personal blogs — This is more or less what I've described above. A personal brain dump. This would be a great way to spread individual knowledge within the organization.

  • Internal team blogs — Each team could have a blog used for internal discussions and progress reports within the team.

  • External team blogs — Information relevant to other teams and even completely different parts of the organization could be posted to a external team blog.

  • Project information blogs — Why send mails to everyone when this could be posted to a blog? The blog would also work as an archive.

Several of these types of blogs would probably decrease the amount of mails sent back and forth within the company. With these blogs, as well as RSS support in many of our internal systems (software release management, defect management, etc), could possibly make my inbox what it's supposed to be — a collection of mails sent to me personally!

External blogs

External corporate blogs are of course very different from internal blogs, since they communicate with the general public instead of colleagues. Not being a marketing guru, I can't proclaim this as the truth, but I believe that external blogs would benefit our company. There a many great examples of external corporate blogs. Robert Scoble, celebrity blogger at MSFT, sums it all up pretty well. It's a good read!

Why is this posted to an external blog when probably nobody except my colleagues and (hopefully) managers cares about it? Because we have no internal blogging!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Monday, March 13, 2006

Shameless Plug

After loads and loads of pictures posted to this blog, I reckon that it's now time for a post consisting purely of text. This post is however not a personal rant about my life, the weather or even the political landscape, but instead a shameless plug for the Sony Ericsson blogging client, which was announced a couple of weeks ago. The plan is for this post to help increase the hype around this Sony Ericsson / Blogger partnership. Having said that, none of the information in this post is in any way untrue, but I believe that you, the reader, have the right to know my motive.

Yes, I've been working on the Blogger client that is to be included in the K800 and K610 phones, which will soon be released. This has been a collaboration between Sony Ericsson and Blogger (ie Google) and has resulted in a great application. I've decided to advertise this application in the form of an AQ. (I can't call it FAQ since most of these questions are not frequently asked. Some have not even been asked at all, but calling it a Q feels just plain wrong...)

So, what's this application all about?

It's a photo blogging application. Take a photo with your mobile phone's camera and you can easily send it directly to your blog at Blogger.

But isn't entering login names and passwords using that tiny keypad quite cumbersome?

Yes, I believe it would be, but with this blogging client you don't have to. All you need to do is take a photo, select "Blog this" and your own personal blog is automatically created. There is no need for any settings at all, and the address to your blog is returned at the time of the first post.

That sucks! I already have a blog and don't want a new only to be used from my phone!

The blog that is created at the first post may be merged with already existing blogs. You can even have several phones posting to the same blog.

Cool services such as this are always way too expensive! What's the cost?

Nothing! Nada! Zip! Except for the data tariffs as charged by your carrier that is...

All this blog talk sounds a bit too complicated for me. Is it really that easy?

After taking a photo, only four keypresses are needed in order to create the blog and publish the photo. It actually couldn't be any easier!

This sounds too good to be true! How is this possible?

By the cunning use of magic.

But I'm typing 60 words per minute with my phone's keypad. Will I be able to include texts as well?

You can accompany the picture with a really, really long text if you'd like. You do of course also have the possibility to set the title of the blog post.

I want to change the address, title and template of the blog. Is that possible?

Of course it is! You will have access to the full Blogger Dashboard to customize your blog anyway you like.

Is this the killer application for mobile phones?

I believe that voice calls may be the real killer app, but this sure is a competitor.

These are my personal views and may not reflect the views of neither Sony Ericsson nor Blogger/Google.


Jag älskar välskrivna webbaserade system...

Följer det hela på distans...

Friday, March 10, 2006